Jessica Zhang, Media Coordinator

Jessica Zhang is currently a Grade 11 student at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School and is delighted to serve as the Media Coordinator for the 2024-2025 year! Jessica has been an active member of her school’s DECA Chapter since Grade 9 and has served as a member of her school’s DECA Executive team for the past two years. She is beyond thrilled to be a part of DECA this year and to have a lasting impact on all Ontario DECA members.

Outside of DECA, Jessica is passionate about literature and helping others find their love for reading. She manages various social media platforms where she creates photo and short-form video content dedicated to books. Jessica also fosters her passion for art and design, constantly painting, designing artwork, and participating in local art showcases. In her spare time, Jessica enjoys listening to music, swimming, and reading a good book.

This year, Jessica aims to connect with various members across the Province and provide an unforgettable experience for all involved. If you have any questions or want to connect, you can reach out to Jessica anytime through email: or Instagram (@jessszhangg).