Shruthi Konduru, Media Coordinator

Shruthi Konduru is incredibly excited to serve as Media Coordinator this 2023-2024 term! Shruthi has been involved in DECA since grade 9 and has consistently improved her competitive performance, while delving into a wide variety of competitive events (from individuals and  team case studies to written events). She continues to share her knowledge as a DECA trainer at Victoria Park Collegiate Institute. This year, Shruthi’s goal is to capture the Ontario DECA experience to share with students on our various media platforms, while connecting with members from across the province.

This year, Shruthi is excited to exercise the graphic design and media management skills she has built as Marketing Coordinator at Codespire. Shruthi also has an avid passion for discovering great television shows and movies. At her school, she founded both a Model UN chapter and Film Club. Shruthi also enjoys swimming; you can find her swimming for fun at her local pool or teaching swimming lessons for the City of Markham. 

Shruthi is incredibly thrilled to make memories with DECA this year! Feel free to reach her via email at